Managed 服务 Organization (MSO)

More Time to Do What You Do Best

As an independent medical practice, 你已经在照顾病人和日常手术上忙得不可开交了——你最不需要的就是把你宝贵的时间花在管理你的业务上. LBMC的单一来源MSO服务专门为您和您的实践提供量身定制的服务包,以支持您的实践独特的业务需求. By choosing from a turn-key or a la carte menu of business solutions, clients can receive services that are customizable, yet coordinated — all from a single provider.

Our goal is to provide the support, 你需要资源和专业知识,这样你就有更多的时间做你最擅长的事情:照顾病人. 随着你的业务发展,我们会一直在你身边,为你提供可扩展的解决方案,让你更上一层楼.

Guide to Managed 服务 Organizations (MSO)

Get the complete picture of how MSO can transform your healthcare practice.

Independent medical practices need greater support, resources and expertise. The need is especially great in areas outside of healthcare’s core mission, 比如计费, HR, 会计, 工资, and similar business functions. 服务 can be packaged or a la carte based on your needs.

There are many benefits to leveraging an MSO for all your 金融 & 采购产品会计,人力资源,技术解决方案,医生办公室解决方案和咨询需求.

  • 〇一站式服务 获得一站式服务,如专业雇主组织(PEO)和会计服务
  • 〇节省时间 Benefit your staff by handling over time-consuming revenue cycle procedures
  • 〇自动化技术 Implement automation solutions and streamline billing, 集合, claims processing and clinical documentation
  • 〇经验丰富的职员 和有才华的人一起工作, experienced group to deliver efficient and cost-effective full practice management support


Managed 服务 Organization (MSO) 服务

医疗保健 Single Source MSO 服务 Include:

  • 金融 & 会计服务
  • 人力资源: 人力资源外包(HRO)
  • 人力资源: PEO 服务
  • Physician Practice Management Consulting/ Administrative Oversight
  • Physician Practice Revenue Cycle 解决方案
  • 采购服务
  • 资讯科技支援服务

Additional MSO Consulting 服务 Include:

  • 编码 & 合规
  • 信息安全
  • Merger Planning and Facilitation
  • Practice Startup/Development 服务
  • 实践结构 & 治理咨询
  • Strategic Planning and Practice Assessment
  • 税务及会计服务
  • 技术解决方案
  • 财富管理服务



对于私人执业的医生来说,一个长期存在的问题是,他们必须花大量的时间离开病人,去处理他们执业的业务方面的问题, 近年来,随着医疗实践的管理比以往任何时候都更加复杂,这种担忧只会加剧.  MSO可以让专业人士提供这些服务,从而提高您执业的整体运营和财务绩效.

结果,越来越多 more physician practices are turning to Managed 服务 Organizations (美索), which perform the “back office” functions for physician practices on a partnered basis. Outsourcers have long been available to physician practices for specific functions. A practice might contract with one company to do its 会计, another to manage its technology and a third to handle billing and coding. LBMC MSO模式与其他外包模式的不同之处在于,我们通过这些服务与您合作,为您和您的实践未来的成功奠定更好的地位.

越来越多地, the favored solution is a fully integrated MSO, 它不仅执行上述传统的后台功能,而且还可以提供咨询服务,包括, 但不限于:

  • coding compliance audits/education
  • 补偿建模
  • 网络安全
  • data analytics and dashboarding
  • IT解决方案选择
  • M&A
  • payor negotiations/contracting
  • 实践的评估
  • 战略规划
  • 财富顾问

“一站式服务”方法的一个主要优点是MSO的所有业务组件都“相互通信”,消除了将任务外包给多个供应商时部署的各种服务和系统捆绑在一起时出现的低效率和小问题. mso还为医生提供了他们自己可能负担不起的尖端技术. And with the increasing deployment of value-based reimbursement, 医生需要提供治疗和结果的详细信息,以便他们的辛勤工作得到适当的补偿.

Access to purchasing power expertise are other potential advantages of using an MSO. A truly full-service MSO provides group purchasing, 哪些产品可以节省供应和设备的费用,这些费用可以为mso等组织提供,这些组织可以代表更大的供应商群体进行谈判.

推动mso兴起的因素包括医疗实践的整合,以获得与付款人的杠杆作用,并获得更大的购买力, 对提高财务绩效的渴望,以及部分不归医生所有的医疗保健组织的充分就业模式趋于稳定. 进一步, 私募股权利用mso来保持对投资组合增长和盈利能力的关注. 很长一段时间, 医生找工作是为了摆脱经营诊所的行政负担. 最近, the trend towards employment has flattened, 我们现在正进入这样一个时期,这些组织正在进行艰难的合同续签谈判,这可能导致在财务方面分担更多风险. 希望重新获得一些自主权和独立性的医生可能会因此面临额外的财务风险.

While employing physicians helps shore up competition and physician shortage issues, hospitals are finding that because of reimbursement cuts, they may not be able to afford the current full-employment model. 回到完全独立的私人诊所——或者可能与医院合资——意味着这些医生需要在保持“医院友好”的同时建立自己的业务。. 利用MSO提供的服务比进行必要的大量资本投资以形成新的医疗实践更有意义.

And with physicians in short supply, 对他们来说,唯一有意义的是花尽可能多的时间做他们最擅长的事情——照顾病人. MSOs help make that possible.

Managed 服务 Organization Leadership Team

Link to 安德鲁 Managed 服务 Organization (MSO)

安德鲁 麦当劳

Shareholder, CEO/President, Physician Business 解决方案, LLC and 医疗保健 Consulting

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Link to 史黛西 Managed 服务 Organization (MSO)

史黛西 Schuettler


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手机图标 电子邮件图标 诺克斯维尔
Link to 沙龙 Managed 服务 Organization (MSO)

沙龙 Powlus

President and CEO, Employment Partners

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手机图标 电子邮件图标 纳什维尔
Link to 克里斯 Managed 服务 Organization (MSO)

克里斯 摩根

W Squared首席执行官

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Link to 塔米 Managed 服务 Organization (MSO)

塔米 沃尔克特

President/CEO, 采购 解决方案

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电话: 615-377-4600

办公时间: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday

P.O. 1869箱

605 Chestnut Street, Suite 1100

2095 Lakeside Centre Way, Suite 220

325 West Main Street, Suite 1600

3700 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 175

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